Baby Steps are Often Needed and That's Okay

Baby Steps are Often Needed and That's Okay

“If you cannot feed a hundred people, then feed just one”. Mother Teresa

Everywhere we look, there are needs to be met. Frequently we have a good idea on how best to meet those needs but we can be intimidated into not doing anything. It’s overwhelming. Knowing where to begin can be the most difficult. Start small.

For instance, you want to start a group that will feed homeless people a healthy breakfast every Saturday morning. You and your friends are coming together to make this happen. It won’t be difficult to make 500 pancakes because pancake mix is cheap and a couple of the people involved have portable grills that have griddles. Each individual has said that they will help but in the process of researching the needs, even if you fed two pancakes per person, that number won’t be enough to feed everyone who hangs out at the local park where you plan to set up. What to do?

Go ahead. Do it anyway. Approach a local grocery store to donate more pancake mix, plates, cutlery, cups and maybe orange juice. Explain that you have already arranged to feed 250 people but there is a greater need. Even if they cannot donate all that you need, you will still have more than you had before.

In addition, you can approach other groups already doing what you want to do. By coming together, you can support each other, divide the labor and make it easier to meet the goal of feeding others.

Using Mother Teresa’s advice, you can make a difference.

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