Unlock Nonprofit Success
Explore expert tips and strategies to elevate your nonprofit's impact. Start reading now!
"How wonderful it is that that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world". Anne Frank
Starting a nonprofit can be daunting. The paperwork, form 501(c)3 alone can be intimidating.
Before tackling the federal government forms, it's imp…
"A goal is a dream with a deadline". Napolean Hill
It's a new year and there's no better time than right now to set goals. One way to do that is to: 1. Set a goal that will improve your family life, 2. Set a goal to improve your professional life and 3. Set a goa…
"You must do the things you think you cannot do". Eleanor Roosevelt
As 2024 comes to a close, we all tend to reflect on the year. Resolutions generally don't work out. But goal setting is different. Goal getting has substance. Weight. And a plan.
The plan does n…
"The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones". Chinese Proverb
We all want to accomplish big things. We are all capable of accomplishing big things. In some ways, that's why you started or became involved with a nonprofit.
How are big thi…
"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else." Charles Dickens
In some way, what you do is lightening burdens. It's why you started or became part of a nonprofit.
A great way to help others give is to ask them to donate to your …
"Believe you can and you're half way there". Teddy Roosevelt
Fundraising. For some, it's the most painful part of running a nonprofit, a real thorn in the side. However, it doesn't have to be that way.
Based on what we have seen over the years, here are some ef…
Servant-leadership is more than a concept, it is a fact. Any great leader, by which I also mean an ethical leader of any group, will see herself or himself as a servant of that group and will act accordingly." M. Scott Peck
Brent Taylor was the Mayor of a growin…
"In order to give the organization the greatest freedom to act within its object, bylaws should be made no more restrictive nor more detailed in specification than necessary.” Roberts Rules of Order
We have frequently been asked why an organization needs bylaws. …
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40
In light of the recent hurricanes, it's interesting to know that churches are freque…
"Money is merely a tool. It can take you where you want to go. It cannot replace you as the one, in control.”. Ayn Rand
Money is a tool. It's an essential tool for keeping your organization doing it's great work. However, it's the most frustrating part of running…
"There's no place like home". Dorothy, the Wizard of Oz.
Thoughout the nonprofit world, great things are happening. Communiities are feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, providing medical services, assisting young people who transition out of foster care, th…
"As we lose ourselves in the service of others, we discover our own lives and our own happiness" Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Over the years, there has been criticism of the US government not doing enough to relieve suffering after natural disasters. Why is that? First, pr…
“The wealth of time is the only wealth that is more valuable than human resources” - Sunday Adelaja
After a prolonged illness, the thought struck me that nonpofit organizations have small staffs so when someone is missing, it's a big deal.
However, because staff …
"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together, we can do great things". Mother Teresa
Isn't that the crux of it? Recognizing the things others can do that you cannot. Others recognizing what you can do that they cannot.
Working as part of a g…
"I'm proud to pay taxes in the United States; the only thing is, I could be just as proud for half the money." Arthur Godfrey
Many people assume that the term Nonprofit means an organization with that designation never has to think about taxes. Although that may …
"People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.” John Maxwell
FREE is America's favorite four letter "f" word. In some circles that may not seem to be true but let's face it. EVERYONE like getting things for free. And when you run a nonprofit, freebies …
“If you can take your personality and inject it into the message you share, you’ll be one step ahead in the content marketing game.” Jason Miller
We were recently reminded of the importance of adding new content to our website on a regular basis.
This is one of …
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it”.
H.E. Luccock
The Board of Directors of every organization is different. Unique. Sometimes, the most challenging part of working with a Board of Directors can be ensuring that everyone feels he…
"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat" Winston Churchill
People we speak to about starting a nonprofit tell us how they don't think they are equipped to start or lead a nonprofit. They feel inadequate. We can certainly relate to those feelings…
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail". Benjamin Franklin
Human Resources (HR) is one of the biggest challenges nonprofits face. According to the Nonprofit Leadership Center, here are the four “critical HR policies” that nonprofits need to have in pla…
“Anyone can be great because everybody can serve”. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Recruiting volunteers is tough. People lead busy lives. The folks you want to include into your organization are probably busy volunteering with other organizations. If not that, they are b…
In the symphony of success, every instrument plays a vital role. Author unknown.
Fidelitycharitable.org recently published an article entitled The Five Qualities of an Effective Charity. Each of these areas can inspire goals for YOUR nonprofit. Here are the rest o…
Posted on August 5th, 2025
Welcome to the world of nonprofit management, where effective strategies are essential for success. Unlike for-profit businesses, nonprofits have a unique set of priorities and goals. Instead of focusing on profits, their main purpose …
Posted on August 5th, 2024.
When it comes to effective leadership on nonprofit boards, there is no room for chance. It takes a deliberate and thoughtful approach, incorporating a range of strategies and principles to ensure that all board members are fully co…
"Nothing works unless you do". Maya Angelo
Fidelitycharitable.org recently published an article entitled The Five Qualities of an Effective Charity. Each of these areas can inspire goals for YOUR nonprofit. With a few additions from me, here are the first two ite…
“Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It’s sanity.” – Katrina Mayer
Sometimes it’s too much. Sometimes you are tired. Sometimes you feel overwhelmed. Sometimes you wonder if you are accomplishing anything. What to do? Take some time off.
Many of the people trying to chan…
“If you cannot feed a hundred people, then feed just one”. Mother Teresa
Everywhere we look, there are needs to be met. Frequently we have a good idea on how best to meet those needs but we can be intimidated into not doing anything. It’s overwhelming. Knowing wh…
“Disappointments will come and go but discouragement is a choice you make”. Charles Stanley
Nothing goes as smoothly as we would like. Stuff happens. People will disappoint. Plans might fall through. It may rain on the day you have an outside fund raiser planned (…
“Alone we can do little; together we can do so much”. Helen Keller
Once the legal formalities are complete, you are organized, have bylaws and procedures in place, the next step is to set goals. Working as a board of directors, set goals. We suggest no more than t…
“Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself”
Every day, every time we get to talk to clients and potential clients, we are inspired and impressed by how often these incredible people see needs in their community, have solutions and want to get to work. THIS is…
"We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak". Epictetus
Listening is a secret weapon. Okay, so not so secret. BUT the ability and willingness to listen is a super power, particularly in the nonprofit sector. Listening is THE key to …
Posted on June 12, 2024
Effective governance is crucial for any organization, especially nonprofits.
Robert’s Rules of Order provide a structured framework to ensure meetings are conducted fairly, efficiently, and democratically.
For small boards, these rules…
Posted on June 12, 2024
Starting a nonprofit charity is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. It allows people to address important societal issues, support communities, and make a positive impact.
Establishing a nonprofit, however, involves a detailed process t…
"As with the butterfly, adversity is necessary to build character in people". Joseph B. Wirthlin
It’s not easy but raising money but it can be done. To begin, you need a written plan.
1. Set a goal
2. Brainstorm ideas of how to reach those goals. What fund raise…
"True strength is the courage to ask for help." Simon Sinek
What is the hardest thing for most adults to say? I need help. But your organization is stuck. It isn’t growing. Donations have dropped. The board of directors is lagging in enthusiasm. And sometimes it’…
Prior to 2014, nonprofit organizations had no choice but to file a 40-page Form 1023 with an expected completion time of more than nine hours to have their tax-exempt status approved. Form 1023 requires the filing of the nonprofit’s Articles and Bylaws and respon…
Why an Attorney?
This is an area of nonprofit startups that is debated. Do you NEED an attorney to help you start your nonprofit? What if you are already established and used a document service on line? Are you sure you did everything required in your state and th…
“In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still.
Progress occurs when courageous,
skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”
President Harry Truman
Have you ever worked in a situation, whether for pay or volunteering, w…
“It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs.”
Vaclav Havel
YOU have a mission. It may not be clear to you but you do. YOU have looked around your community and you have seen needs. You know how to meet at least one of those needs. You just …
“Give nonprofit leaders the knowledge, skills and confidence to successfully create and govern nonprofit organizations that fulfill a charitable mission.”
Nonprofit Law and Leadership, Inc.
“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.”
Margaret Fu…
Maybe you have already established a nonprofit corporation, or you are considering creating one to serve a purpose—a Mission—to improve the world in some significant way. There are two initial steps to the creation of a charity. The first step is to identify the M…
In our capitalist economy, businesses are generally designed and operated to earn a profit. These for-profit entities typically sell products or services that are in demand, and they are required to pay income tax on their net income. Any profit that they earn typ…
The IRS and your state government expect your new nonprofit to begin operating like a tax-exempt corporation as soon as it's incorporated. In fact, the IRS review of whether your nonprofit deserves tax-exempt status begins on the date of incorporation, and its fav…
The compliance manual that accompanies the “favorable determination letter” that the IRS will ultimately issue provides that the organization’s continued tax-exempt status will depend on its compliance with the applicable requirements “in operation”. The IRS is pe…
Contact us to schedule a free no-obligation consultation and see how we can help you and your organization to thrive! We will respond promptly to set up a video conference at a mutually-convenient time.