"My model for business is The Beatles. They were four guys who kept each other's kind of negative tendencies in check. They balanced each other, and the total was greater than the sum of the parts." – Steve Jobs, Co-founder, and former CEO of Apple Inc.
What does it take to be effective as an organization? Exponentphilanthropy.org, has a great article on their website published January of this year about being effective. According to them, there are just 5 Key Characteristics that a nonprofit needs to be effective: Clear Mission & Purpose, Strong Performance Across Key Functions, Strong Practices, Procedures & Policies, Skilled and Engaged People, Ability to Mobilize Others.
Now that you see the list, you can ask yourself, "How are we doing in each of these areas?" Think about your organization and how you are doing? Have you covered all the bases covered? How often do you meet with your board to assess each of these areas? Is the organization following through with its mission and purpose? Are all of the volunteers aware of the mission and purpose?
Over the next few weeks, we will be writing about how to ensure that your organization is effective. Stay tuned. Check back each Monday to read the information hot off the presses!
Contact us to schedule a free no-obligation consultation and see how we can help you and your organization to thrive! We will respond promptly to set up a video conference at a mutually-convenient time.