Leaders are Servants

Leaders are Servants

Servant-leadership is more than a concept, it is a fact. Any great leader, by which I also mean an ethical leader of any group, will see herself or himself as a servant of that group and will act accordingly." M. Scott Peck

Brent Taylor was the Mayor of a growing city when he resigned. His resignation was triggered by a deployment to Afghanistan. He was deployed four times total: twice to Iraq, twice to Afghanistan. He died on the last deployment. The circumstances of his death are even more tragic when it was found that he was killed by an Afghan national who was participating in a Saturday hike that Taylor organized each week.

One of the most powerful lessons Taylor taught was about leadership. In his resignation announcement, he said that leaders are servants. It's a powerful statement. He understood how a leader should behave. 

He left behnd a wife and seven children and a legacy of leadership that will last forever. 

How do YOU lead? Serve the people in your charge. How to do that? Listen to them, allow them to solve problems, delgate tasks, give kind feedback, use persuasion, ask good questions, share your vision, allow others to grow, recognize growth. 

Want to be a successful leader? Serve. 

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