With every milestone that I've come across, there's always been a little note at the bottom that's said, 'Don't worry, there's another milestone coming up.' Jack Garratt
Graduating from college was an incredible milestone. I was the single mother of six and so many doors opened for me to make a living! Without that degree, my options would be limited.
An organization needs milestones. Goals. Ways to measure progress. Why? It helps you to SEE momentum, to SEE success, to SEE where you are going. If you're not going where you want to go, you can make changes.
Do you have personal goals? Do you know where you're going in your life as well as your nonprofit? Setting up goals, with milestones attached, can give you a sense of direction and motivation to continue to work hard. You can actually put rocks on your desk, attached to a 3x5 card with the milestone spelled out. As you reach each one, you can remove it and then add another.
These don't need to be fund raising goals, at least not at first. You can start with marketing plan milestones. Those first few milestones can be a mix of personal and organizational. The wonderful part of goals and reaching milestones is that YOU determine them. No one has to tell you what to set as a goal or a milestone.
Want to grow as a person? Want to grow your organization? Sets goals WITH milestones and keep working. Things will turn out great!
Contact us to schedule a free no-obligation consultation and see how we can help you and your organization to thrive! We will respond promptly to set up a video conference at a mutually-convenient time.